Index 943
development and course of, 205
diagnostic criteria for, 202–203
diagnostic features of, 203–204
differential diagnosis of, 206–207
functional consequences of, 206
gender-related diagnostic issues in, 204, 206
prevalence of, 204
risk and prognostic factors for, 205
specifiers for, 203
Social (pragmatic) communication disorder, 31,
associated features supporting diagnosis of, 48
development and course of, 48
diagnostic criteria for, 47–48
diagnostic features of, 48
differential diagnosis of, 49
risk and prognostic factors for, 48
Somatic symptom disorder, 309, 310, 311–315
associated features supporting diagnosis of,
comorbidity with, 314–315
culture-related diagnostic issues in, 313
development and course of, 312–313
diagnostic criteria for, 311
diagnostic features of, 311–312
differential diagnosis of, 314
prevalence of, 312
risk and prognostic factors for, 313
Somatic symptoms and related disorders, 309–327
conversion disorder (functional neurological
symptom disorder), 309, 310, 318–321
factitious disorder, 309, 310, 324–326
highlights of changes from DSM-IV to DSM-5,
illness anxiety disorder, 309, 310, 315–318
other specified somatic symptom and related
disorder, 309, 310, 327
psychological factors affecting other medical
conditions, 309, 310, 322–324
somatic symptom disorder, 309, 310, 311–315
unspecified somatic symptom and related
disorder, 309, 310, 327
Specific learning disorder, 32, 66–74
associated features supporting diagnosis of, 70
comorbidity with, 72, 74
culture-related diagnostic issues in, 72–73
development and course of, 70–72
diagnostic criteria for, 66–68
diagnostic features of, 68–70
differential diagnosis of, 73–74
functional consequences of, 73
gender-related diagnostic issues in, 73
prevalence of, 70
recording procedures for, 68
risk and prognostic factors for, 72
Specific phobia, 189–190, 197–202
associated features supporting diagnosis of, 199
comorbidity with, 202
culture-related diagnostic issues in, 201
development and course of, 199–200
diagnostic criteria for, 197–198
diagnostic features of, 198–199
differential diagnosis of, 201–202
functional consequences of, 201
prevalence of, 199
risk and prognostic factors for, 200
specifiers for, 198
suicide risk in, 201
Specifiers, 21–22
Specifiers for bipolar and related disorders,
Specifiers for depressive disorders, 184–188
Speech sound disorder, 31, 44–45
associated features supporting diagnosis of, 44
development and course of, 44–45
diagnostic criteria for, 44
diagnostic features of, 44
differential diagnosis of, 45
Spouse or partner abuse, psychological, 721–722
Spouse or partner neglect, 721
Spouse or partner violence
physical, 720
sexual, 720
Stereotypic movement disorder, 32, 77–80
comorbidity with, 80
culture-related diagnostic issues in, 79
development and course of, 79
diagnostic criteria for, 77–78
diagnostic features of, 78–79
differential diagnosis of, 79–80
prevalence of, 79
recording procedures for, 78
risk and prognostic factors for, 79
specifiers for, 78
Stimulant intoxication, 567–569
associated features supporting diagnosis of, 568
diagnostic criteria for, 567–568
diagnostic features of, 568
differential diagnosis of, 568–569
Stimulant-related disorders, 481, 561–570
diagnoses associated with, 482
other stimulant-induced disorders, 570
stimulant intoxication, 567–569
stimulant use disorder, 561–567
stimulant withdrawal, 484, 569–570
unspecified stimulant-related disorder, 570
Stimulant use disorder, 561–567
associated features supporting diagnosis of,
comorbidity with, 566–567